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Showing posts from March, 2025

Responsibility for the Life and Health of Parents: "The Axe is Already at the Root"

In the Gospel, John the Baptist warns: “The axe is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.” (Matthew 3:10) This verse carries a profound message, not only about personal morality but also about our responsibility toward our parents . In a symbolic sense, the roots represent our parents , and if the "tree" (the child) bears bad fruit, it inevitably affects the health, well-being, and even lifespan of the parents . But why does this happen, even when parents are unaware of their child's sins? How can a child’s spiritual state directly impact the physical condition of their parents?

Prayer in the Plank Position: A Fusion of Body, Spirit, and Energy

Prayer has never been merely a mental exercise—it is a deeply embodied practice. Why do people kneel, raise their hands, or prostrate themselves in prayer? Because the body and spirit are one . But what happens when prayer is combined with physical exertion, causing the body to tremble and allowing streams of energy and strength to pass through it?

Physical Exercise During Fasting: Energy, Renewal, and Spiritual Clarity

 The Great Fast is not only a time of abstaining from food but also a period of physical and spiritual renewal . Interestingly, it coincides with the beginning of the agricultural season , when nature awakens and people engage in active work. Traditionally, this time has been associated with physical activity outdoors , which stimulates dopamine production, improves health, and enhances spiritual clarity .

The Essence of Great Lent: From Physical to Spiritual Nourishment

Great Lent is not merely a period of abstinence from food but a spiritual journey that reveals the true nature of nourishment. Just as a child in the mother's womb is sustained by her fluids, and after birth requires physical food, so too does the soul need a higher form of sustenance— spiritual nourishment , which becomes possible through the second birth, the birth in the Spirit.

Astronomically Great Lent: From the New Moon in Pisces to the Full Moon in Aries

Introduction: Astronomical Markers of the Spiritual Path Since ancient times, astronomical events have served as significant markers for religious and mystical events. Easter, traditionally determined by the first full moon after the vernal equinox, conceals a profound connection between astronomy and spiritual symbolism. However, in this article, we propose a broader perspective—seeing Lent as the transition from the New Moon in Pisces to the Full Moon in Aries , which can be considered Astronomical Easter .