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The National Bible: Literal Translation Series

A comprehensive and accurate translation of the Bible in multiple languages

The National Bible: Literal Translation Series is a groundbreaking new translation of the Bible that offers readers a direct and faithful access to the original Hebrew and Greek texts. This series is designed to provide a clear, accurate, and easy-to-understand translation of the Bible for people of all backgrounds.

Key Features:

  • Literal translation: The National Bible is translated word-for-word from the original Hebrew and Greek texts, ensuring that readers have access to the most accurate and nuanced understanding of the Bible possible.
  • Easy-to-understand language: The translation is written in clear, contemporary language that is easy to understand for people of all reading levels.
  • User-friendly format: The Bible is formatted in a way that makes it easy to read and study.


  • Deeper understanding of the Bible: The National Bible provides readers with a deeper understanding of the Bible by allowing them to access the original texts in a clear and accurate way.
  • Perfect for Bible study, research, and personal reflection: The translation is an ideal resource for Bible study, research, and personal reflection.
  • A valuable tool for pastors, teachers, and theology students: The National Bible is a valuable tool for pastors, teachers, and theology students.
  • Suitable for everyone who wants a closer reading of the Bible: The translation is suitable for everyone who wants to read the Bible more closely and accurately.

Target Audience:

  • Bible scholars
  • Theologians
  • Students of theology and religious studies
  • Pastors and church leaders
  • Everyone who is interested in a deeper study of the Bible

Languages Available:

The National Bible: Literal Translation Series is an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to understand the Bible on a deeper level.

About the Translator:

Ivan Kushnir is a renowned Bible scholar who has dedicated his life to translating the Bible into multiple languages. He is the founder of the National Bible Translation Project, which is responsible for the National Bible: Literal Translation Series. Kushnir is committed to providing accurate and accessible translations of the Bible that can help people of all backgrounds understand God's Word.


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